1st Company Commander: 1/C Quinn Kelly

My name is Quinn Kelly and I am currently the company commander for 1st company for my senior year here at MMA. Before stepping into this role, I was also an orientation squad leader. I’m also a facilities engineering major as well as a captain of the men’s soccer team. In this new role as a company commander, I am assisting the current squad leaders and other senior staff in disciplining, mentoring, and instilling the values of leadership into the incoming freshman in 1st company during orientation. I’m thrilled to have this opportunity and look forward to what’s to come.
I will be updating this page daily once orientation begins.
Orientation Day 1 08/18
For 1st Company, the new cadet candidates (C/C) started the first day of orientation day after leaving the bleachers following the cadre oath ceremony. They were all filed into random platoons along academy drive, and marched by squad leaders towards the quad in the center of campus. Here, the C/Cs were taught how to march, stand at attention, maintain a clean/professional appearance, studied their youngie knowledge, and practiced using correct terminology in accordance with the regiment (ex. saying “this cadet candidate” instead of “I” “me” or “my”). This then led into lunchtime, where the C/Cs were then separated by company to eat lunch in the mess deck from 1130-1330. While eating, they were required to sit up straight and eat in a professional manner. They were taught numerous traditions of the academy during the meal as well as throughout the day. Immediately after lunch, the C/Cs of 1st Company were marched over to the Clean Harbors gymnasium where they began receiving uniform items for their sea bag. Any C/Cs that needed a haircut were also given one, and a select few were required to take a drug test. While this was going on, many were taught various basic marching movements by 1st Company squad leaders in a small section of the gym. More studying of their youngie knowledge was also done during this time. Shortly after this, the cadet candidates were taken outside for marching practice until it was time for dinner from 1730-1900. The same eating standards from lunch were followed during dinner as well. After dinner, C/Cs were then marched to the Maritime Conference Center in which they were given a medical briefing from Dr. Jeffery Cukor (campus medical director/academy physician). This meeting was followed by a dorm fire safety/evacuation briefing. At this time it was close to 2100, 1st Company was then marched back to the dorms along with their sea bags. When there, taps was played, and the first day of orientation was in the books for the class of 2028.
Orientation Day 2 08/19
Today, the wake up for the cadet candidates was more intense for Day 2. 1st company squad leaders woke up the freshman at 0530 and rushed them over to the Clean Harbors football stadium. This is where the “Meet the Cadre” ceremony took place, in which squad leaders and senior staff alike introduced themselves by company to the class of 2028. This led to the freshman being marched back to the dorms to take showers, then to the mess deck for breakfast. From here, the C/Cs were brought to the swimming pool in the Clean Harbors athletic center where they conducted water survival training. This included: learning how to properly wear a life jacket/survival wetsuit, safely jump into and navigate in the water, properly throw a life ring to a shipmate in the water, inflate and climb aboard a life raft while in water, and how to flip over a life raft that was tipped upside down on the water. They all had a great time performing all of these tasks along with their squad leaders, while also learning the importance of teamwork in life or death scenarios. Shortly after this was more uniform distribution, and then it was time for patio; another maritime tradition in which the C/C’s youngie knowledge is tested. The freshman platoon was marched in front of the patio next to the mess deck, where several regimental staff members were there to quiz them on the knowledge they have been studying from their youngie handbooks. After patio, they were marched to the mess deck for dinner. Finally, the C/Cs were then brought to a firefighting lecture. When finished, this concluded day 2 of orientation and the freshmen were sent to bed.
Orientation Day 3 08/20
Today cadet candidates started the day 3 being woken up by squad leaders and brought to the football stadium for PT test. This test consisted of a timed 1 mile run around campus, a pushup assessment, and a situp assessment. Upon completion of the PT test, the C/Cs showered and ate breakfast. 1st Company had another fun day planned for day 3 which involved firefighting. After breakfast, they changed into their boiler suits and hopped on a bus to the firefighting academy. When there, the freshman worked at 3 different stations. At station 1 they worked a large fire hose. The C/Cs had to work together to properly use the fire hose as if it were to put out a fire. Station 2 involved fire extinguisher practice with a burn pit. In this station, a real fire was ignited and cadet candidates each used a fire extinguisher to safely extinguish the flame. Finally at station 3 the C/Cs learned about a self-contained breathing apparatus (scba), how to put it on, and how to properly use it. When the firefighting training was completed, they all hopped on a bus back to campus and went right into 1st Company’s first game of intramurals. Today they started off with water polo against 7th Company. They played 3 games and 7th co. and won every single game, not allowing a single goal in. The C/Cs all had a great time and are excited for the next intramural game tomorrow. They all then showered and went to dinner, along with 2 meetings in admirals hall to end off the day. Squad leaders then sent them to bed concluding the 3rd day of orientation for the class of 2028.
Orientation Day 4 08/21
“Day 4 started off with the cadet candidates waking up and going to the football field for some morning PT. For today, 1st Company did field exercises which consisted of jumping jacks, pushups, flutter kicks, crunches, and a plank, all for 1 minute each. Afterwards was breakfast which then led into the C/Cs very first morning formation. This is a daily morning ceremony where cadets are formed up on the parade field for the national anthem. Once this was finished, C/Cs then went to an academic planning meeting, in which students got to get a more clear look at the classes they would be taking during the school year. Once this meeting was completed, 1st Company then went over to the gymnasium for more uniform fittings. Then the C/Cs had patio and lunch and then they went to a customs and traditions meeting in Admirals Hall. More marching practice was done after this and was followed by intramurals. Today’s game was kickball, unfortunately 1st Company could not secure a win against 4th Company with a close loss of 2-0. Afterwards was another patio that led into dinner, and the day ended off with two meetings: health services and career services meetings. Following the end of this meeting, 1st Company was sent to bed and the fourth day of orientation came to an end.
Orientation Day 5 08/22
The day began the past few days in which the cadet candidates of 1st Company were woken up for PT in the morning – today was a mile long run. Then they all ate breakfast and continued with more knowledge study and marching practice. From here, the C/Cs went back over to the gymnasium for some more uniform fittings. After completing this, 1st company had a noon patio and then lunchtime. Following lunch was an extended amount of marching practice for the C/Cs to tune up on their marching maneuvers. When finished they then went to intramurals, today was another game of waterpolo. The other company was too afraid to even show up to play against 1st Company, and so we were granted an automatic win. Because of this, the C/Cs played a friendly game against each other. After showering, C/Cs had an evening patio and then ate some dinner. Upon eating dinner, C/Cs then had an athletics meeting as well as a training and retention meeting. 1st company was then sent to bed shortly after concluding the fifth day of orientation
Orientation Day 6 08/23
To start off the day, the freshmen were woken up with PT in the morning, followed by breakfast right afterwards. This was then followed by morning formation, a team building exercise, and marching practice. The cadet candidates were able to get more comfortable working with each other and increasing their bond with one another. This then went into company officer time, this was where 1st Company officer Cargile was able to meet with all of the freshmen and spend some time answering any questions that they had. When this was finished, they went back to some brief marching practice before patio. The C/Cs have been improving a lot on their youngie knowledge with every patio. After lunchtime, C/Cs got a more relaxed afternoon in which the squad leaders talked with them and also answered any questions that they had; giving freshmen a rest from all the yelling and marching. Following this, it was time for intramurals. Today’s sport: ultimate frisbee versus 7th company. After a hard fought game, the C/Cs were able to pick up an 8-4 win! With spirits high, we went right into a patio and then dinner. Finally, the C/Cs ended the day with a shipboard customs and safety management meeting. Afterwards they were sent to bed to end off day 6
Orientation Day 7 08/24
1st company began day 7 with a mile run for PT in the morning. After breakfast, the cadet candidates had a meeting regarding watchstanding procedures. Once this meeting was completed, it was another extensive marching practice session on the football field. This marching practice was done to really polish up the basic marching movements they’ve learned thus far. After this was patio and then lunch. When lunch was finished, a presentation on the regimental manual was held. This meeting was very informative for freshmen in answering any questions that C/Cs had in regards to the regiment during the school year. Next was a presentation about the student government association (SGA) on campus, which highlighted all of the programs and on campus events that the SGA will hold throughout the year. This meeting then led into intramurals in which 1st Company went head to head against 6th Company in ultimate frisbee. After an early 4-0 lead, we couldn’t hold the lead for long as 6th company picked up momentum and ended up winning the match 12-4. Although it was an unfortunate result, 1st Company still played well and from here we went to patio and then dinner. For the rest of the night, C/Cs went to meetings involving academics, honor code, and community service. When these meetings concluded, the 7th day of orientation came to an end.
Orientation Day 8 08/25
Today started off a little differently as the cadet candidates were awoken silently by squad leaders. This morning there was no PT as the time was dedicated for either prayer for those that are religious, or room clean up and preparation. Rooms were cleaned up and C/Cs were given a brief overview of how to prepare a room for inspection. When completed, it was time for breakfast. Then it was time to get on the buses for pond day. 1st Company had a fun day as they learned the fundamentals of seamanship. The freshman got to have experience with sailboats and learning how to sail them on their own in the pond. They also had more experience working as a team with rowing, and got to have some relaxation time with a brief swim in the pond. All a welcomed rest from the regiment for the day. When pond day was finished, we traveled back to campus and went right into intramurals. Today’s sport: dodgeball against 5th company. An intense matchup with a satisfying outcome, as 1st company took home a 2-1 win. This then led into the patio and then dinner. From here, a meeting regarding the conduct system took place. When this meeting ended, time was given to C/Cs for them to begin to learn how to iron their uniforms. When this was completed, day 8 came to an end and they were sent to bed
Orientation Day 9 08/26
1st Company woke up to start the day with a PT test in the morning. This is essentially the same test that the cadet candidates took earlier in orientation where they were assessed on pushups, situps, and a mile run. When completed, we all had some breakfast and then 1st Company had a brief meeting with their company officer Lt. Cargile, in which she spent some time to answer any school related questions of theirs. When this time was finished, we took company photos by the canal, and then went to the ABS for the C/Cs to take ID photos for their keycards. When this process was done, they went to patio and then had lunch. Shortly after lunch the C/Cs were sent to a meeting about the history of the academy. During this meeting a bad thunderstorm came through and killed the power on campus for about an hour. Because of this, unfortunately, intramurals were canceled and the time was then dedicated to room inspection preparations. C/Cs made their beds and prepared their rooms according to how they would be during a room inspection, to get them a good idea of what it should look like. This then went to patio and then into dinner. For the remainder of the day, they all attended a meeting on military recruitments and a presentation from the campus police department. When finished, day 9 of orientation came to an end.
Orientation Day 10 08/27
1st Company woke up to start the day with a PT test in the morning. This is essentially the same test that the cadet candidates took earlier in orientation where they were assessed on pushups, situps, and a mile run. When completed, we all had some breakfast and then 1st Company had a brief meeting with their company officer Lt. Cargile, in which she spent some time to answer any school related questions of theirs. When this time was finished, we took company photos by the canal, and then went to the ABS for the C/Cs to take ID photos for their keycards. When this process was done, they went to patio and then had lunch. Shortly after lunch the C/Cs were sent to a meeting about the history of the academy. During this meeting a bad thunderstorm came through and killed the power on campus for about an hour. Because of this, unfortunately, intramurals were canceled and the time was then dedicated to room inspection preparations. C/Cs made their beds and prepared their rooms according to how they would be during a room inspection, to get them a good idea of what it should look like. This then went to patio and then into dinner. For the remainder of the day, they all attended a meeting on military recruitments and a presentation from the campus police department. When finished, day 9 of orientation came to an end.