3rd Company Commander: 1/C Jack Estabrook

My name is Jack Estabrook and I am the 3rd Company Commander. I’m from Bridgewater, MA and I’m also a dual citizen of the United States and the United Kingdom. My team and I directly oversee the improvement, discipline and success of each cadet in our company. My goal as Company Commander is to elevate each cadet that I am accountable for to their full potential at the academy and their future careers. This past summer I completed my second internship in New York City with a global marine insurance company. I am also fortunate enough to have traveled to Thailand with MMA last year to gain industry knowledge internationally. Currently I am studying International Maritime Business with a concentration in project management.
I will be updating this page daily once orientation begins.
Orientation Day 1 08/18
Today we began the day by commencing the 2024 orientation at 1100, where the Cadet Candidates said goodbye to their loved ones for the next ten days. Throughout these ten days they will be pushed to their limits by my company staff and I. After the noon meal we ushered the Cadet Candidates to the gym where they received all of their MMA uniforms and equipment. During this process we began to teach all of them facing movements and hand salutes. We finished off the day after dinner by attending the first medical brief of orientation which was presented by Dr. Cukor. Immediately before taps, we conducted a fire drill to ensure each Cadet Candidates safety through orientation and the school year.
Orientation Day 2 08/19
We began the day with the cadet candidates officially meeting their orientation squad leaders and their senior staff. After a morning meal and a quick drill session the company then headed over to the gym where they received the rest of their MMA uniforms and equipment. Once the cadet candidates received their uniforms and equipment we then directed them to Admirals Hall where they had presentations until the noon meal. After being tested on their youngie knowledge and eating their noon meal the cadet candidates had time to prepare their room for regimental inspections that will be conducted in the following days. Then we participated in our first intramurals game where we faced off against 4th Company in Ultimate Frisbee. To finish off the day the cadet candidates participated in a firefighting presentation to prepare them for their firefighting training on 8/22.
Orientation Day 3 08/20
We began the day by having the cadet candidates take part in their first PT test in order to evaluate their physical fitness. After the morning meal we headed over to the Maritime Conference Center. They had an academic planning presentation to prepare them for the beginning of the semester on September 4. After the noon meal we had the cadet candidates take their ID photos inside of the library. Later in the afternoon we faced off against 4th Company again in ultimate frisbee and we had a dominating victory. Lastly we finished off the night with two presentations which included a Title IX & Belonging 101 presentation.
Orientation Day 4 08/21
The cadet candidates were fortunate enough to have Rear Admiral McDonald join them during their PT session this morning. After the morning meal the company participated in their first morning formation at MMA. Once we completed morning formation the company began drill where they practiced right & left flanks. After being tested on their youngie knowledge and their noon meal we had another intramurals game where we faced off against 2nd Company in water polo. We had a dominating win and treated the cadet candidate by letting them study their youngie knowledge inside of Admirals Hall with the air conditioning. Finally after the evening meal the cadet candidates had two presentations with Dr. Kaechele & the career services office.
Orientation Day 5 08/22
After an early start with PT, the cadet candidates enjoyed a morning meal before heading to Bridgewater for their firefighting training. They spent most of the day at the firefighting center, where they learned important safety skills for protecting themselves in fire situations. When they returned to campus, they had an exciting dodgeball game against 4th Company. After their evening meal, they attended a presentation about the athletic programs available at the academy. They ended the day with a brief meeting with the academy’s Training & Retention Officers.
Orientation Day 6 08/23
PT this morning was electric! Cadet candidates cheered on their shipmates with chants and friendly competition. After PT in the morning the cadet candidates headed off to Great Herring Pond. They participated in lessons on how to row a monomoy boat and the basics to sailing. This is supposed to be a day where they are able to come together and create relationships that will last throughout their time at MMA. Furthermore, our company recorded the fastest time ever in maritime orientation history for monomer racing! The cadet candidates took this momentum and spirit into intramurals and patio where they displayed tremendous effort and knowledge on and off the field. We continued to drill and marched until their meeting where they covered management on the ship conducted by the cadet chief mate as well as the training ship commander. Overall a very good day for 3rd company.
Orientation Day 7 08/24
After PT this morning the cadet candidates had a long session of drill where we began practicing for the marching competition which will be taking place before orientation graduation. Once we practiced marching for an hour and a half we went inside and gave the cadet candidates a youngie knowledge test. After grading the tests and evaluating their knowledge we broke them up into study groups. After the noon meal they were directed to Admirals Hall in order to be educated on the regimental manual and the Student Government Association. Towards the end of the day we had a dominating win against 7th Company in dodgeball. After intramurals, the company had a really strong day at the patio where they displayed a lot of progress and knowledge. They finished a strong day with meetings and snacks before bed.
Orientation Day 8 08/25
The morning started with the senior staff waking up the cadet candidates for personal reflection. Each Cadet Candidate wrote a small essay about why they decided to come to maritime and what they have planned for the future. Many of the Cadet candidates expressed that self-improvement and Family are important motivation for them. After breakfast the cadet candidates, for the first time, started to set-up their rooms for inspection. This means making their beds, organizing their wall locker, and folding uniforms for an inspection drawer. The morning passed quickly and a poor patio performance lead the cadet candidate to an afternoon of drill and studying. Not surprisingly the cadet candidates embraced these challenges and did much better on the evening patio. The evening was full of instructional, inspirational meetings. The youngies ended the night by learning about ironing and improving their knowledge.
Orientation Day 9 08/26
We had another PT test today with many of the cadet candidates improving drastically from a physical fitness standpoint. Each of the cadet candidates were pushing themselves and their shipmates in order to prove how much they have improved in the past week. After the PT test we had our morning meal and then immediately headed over to the MMA pool in their water survival training. The cadet candidates had to tread water for one minute to start off their pool day. They were distributed life jackets, and the cadre then demonstrated how to safely jump off of a ship in case of an emergency. Cadet candidates split into six groups and formed into the zipper position. After water survival in the pool cadre helped cadet candidates clean their rooms to prepare for future inspections. Cadre demonstrated the minute details that are necessary to pass inspections. Lastly, the cadet candidates demonstrated their youngie knowledge at patio in which they excelled tremendously.