5th Company Commander: 1/C Lily Pires
My name is 1/C Lily Pires, and I am the 5th Company Commander for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Throughout my time at Massachusetts Maritime Academy, I’ve learned how to grow both as a leader and as an individual. Through my experiences, like becoming an Orientation Squad Leader for 5th Company last year, I’ve had the privilege to better myself through both hardships and victories. Throughout my time at MMA, I’ve had the opportunity and honor to work with the best leaders I’ve ever known. As these leaders and I strive towards bringing the new Squad Leaders up to speed on their responsibilities, I hope to help the 2/C leaders realize and reach beyond their full potential. No matter the competitive outcome that Orientation may bring, I will only be fully satisfied if I see that my subordinates have reached beyond what they thought they were initially capable of.
I will be updating this page daily once orientation begins.
Orientation Day 1 08/18
5th Company Cadre started a motivating day with their Cadre Oath and reception of Cadet Candidates. After lunch in the Mess Deck, 5th Company was directed to the gymnasium where all C/Cs received their uniforms, including Classroom Blacks, Salt and Peppers, Boiler Suits, and Dress Blues. 5th Company’s C/Cs would then move on to learning important movements, like the left/right face, as well as the about-face, hand salute, and parade rest. Other important Massachusetts Maritime Knowledge was learned, including the names of those 1/C Cadets in Regimental and Company positions. Also included in their daily knowledge intake were the names of important Academy staff, who they will treat with the highest respect from this moment forward. After dinner, 5th Company attended an important medical meeting with Doctor Cukor, followed by both a meeting about and a drill of an emergency evacuation from the dorms. Finishing the day strong and loud with the motivation of their phenomenal Cadre leadership, the 5th Company C/Cs went to bed after being given their nightly snacks, looking to seize their first full day at the Academy tomorrow.
Orientation Day 2 08/19
The incoming class of 2028 started their first full day at Massachusetts Maritime Academy with a bang. Their first day began with a daunting atmosphere: Buzzards Bay found itself masked by rain and thunder clouds. Under the watchful eye of 5th Company’s 2/C Squad Leaders, the Cadet Candidates were woken up before the sun to “double-time” their way to Clean Harbors Stadium. Once there, the C/Cs would be formally introduced to their Cadre through the “Meet the Cadre” Ceremony. Despite the weather’s continued attempts to dissuade 5th Company’s energy, both the C/Cs and Cadre Leadership launched themselves head-on into a full day of activity. After a full breakfast, 5th Company filled their first half of the day with drill and MMA “Youngie knowledge.” They also attended an important watch standing meeting, where they learned the importance of watch standing both at the Academy and during shipborne situations. After their first test of Youngie Knowledge at “Patio,” the C/Cs went to enjoy their lunch in the Mess Deck before attending a customs and traditions meeting. The remainder of their afternoon was spent at Intramurals, where 5th Company stood against 6th Company in a game of water polo. Well fought and coming out victorious with a score of 3-2, 5th Company returned to the dorms to shower before making their way to dinner Patio. While their performance was lackluster in the eyes of their Cadre, they hold faith that the C/Cs with return with even more energy tomorrow. After dinner, the Cadet Candidates attended an important firefighting lecture, with their knowledge being put to the test on Wednesday, August 21st as they plan to make their way to a firefighting academy for further training. Recognizing the full day of activity, the C/Cs were sent to bed shortly after their last meeting. 5th Company continues to strive towards greatness in everything they do. While some days may not be their best, it allows them all to learn and come back even stronger the next.
Orientation Day 3 08/20
5th Company had its first real confrontation with PT at Massachusetts Maritime Academy this morning. Performing well at their PT test that took place at first light, 5th Company would go on to eat a quick but full breakfast before boarding buses to leave campus. Today, 5th Compay was fortunate enough to experience Pond Day. The C/Cs were bussed off to Great Herring Pond to experience sailing, Monomoy rowing, and rowing the 15-long, 2-wide metal barge. While the day at the pond started around 65 degrees with a thick cloud cover, the weather decided to grace 5th Company with a clear sky and sun shortly after their arrival. 5th Company spent their entire day in the sun, learning both their new physical waterborne skills and their Youngie Knowledge in their spare time. They were packed a lunch, provided by the Academy and served by gracious MMA sailing and rowing team volunteers. After completing their time at the pond, 5th Company once again boarded the buses and returned to campus. While the transition was harsh, the Cadet Candidates rolled their shoulders back and re-engaged in the complex atmosphere of MMA’s Orientation. Rounding their day off with more time to try on and ensure that all their uniforms fit properly, 5th Company would go to dinner after a somewhat successful Patio Youngie knowledge test. 5th Company would go on to attend two important meetings in Admiral’s Hall before returning to 5th Company for the night. Although having a relaxed day at the pond, the Cadet Candidates continue to learn to the best of their abilities. With the high-stress atmosphere of Orientation, it is essential to allow C/Cs to build confidence and comradery. Through Pond day, Cadet Candidates are given the opportunity to do so while also teaching important aspects like teamwork, hard work, and enthusiasm.
Orientation Day 4 08/21
5th Company began their day today with the usual early-morning wakeup followed by PT. The C/Cs experienced the Field Exercises, which included pushups, crunches, flutter kicks, planks, and squat jumps. After putting their all into their exercises, 5th Company formed back up into their familiar platoon formation and returned to the dorms to shower. Immediately after breakfast, the 5th Company C/Cs boarded a bus that would take them to a Firefighting Academy in Bridgewater. There, the C/Cs would learn essential firefighting skills like using fire extinguishers, donning an SCBA, and utilizing fire hoses as a group. While these skills are not usually among the standard skills of an everyday individual, they are expected and necessary in both shipborne and emergency response situations. This training would take most of their day, but 5th Company would soon return to campus to immediately turn around to conquer 7th Company in a game of ultimate frisbee. Encouraged by the continuation of their win streak, 5th Company returned to the dorms for a well-deserved shower. Their daily test of Youngie Knowledge during Patio improved today, but their Cadre reminded them of the high expectations of the Regimental and Company Staff. The C/Cs ate dinner and had a quick turn-around to attend both a Health Services and Career Services meeting. While their return to 5th Company after these meetings was not positive due to the report of poor behavior during these meetings, the C/Cs were sent to bed and were urged to return the next morning with renewed energy.
Orientation Day 5 08/22
Despite having been on campus for a total of four days already, 5th Company experienced their first full day on campus without leaving Buzzards Bay. With their day open wide with opportunities for improvement, the C/Cs were enthusiastic in their approach to their first cadence run around campus. The 5th Company Squad Leaders’ cadences echoed across the bay, encouraged by the returning spout of the Cadet Candidates in toe. The C/Cs completed a mile run, at which point they returned to Clean Harbors Stadium for some water before making their way back to 5th Company for a shower. After cleaning themselves up, 5th Company made their way to the Mess Deck, where they ate a full breakfast before moving on to the gym. Here, the exceedingly helpful Bookstore staff, assisted by the Uniform Liasion Squad Leaders, ensured that the C/Cs had all the required items for their uniforms for the rest of their time at the Academy. After filling up their “Sea bags” to the breaking point, 5th Company transitioned to attend an Academic Planning meeting before having lunch. Their Patio performance of Youngie knowledge continues to improve. Their Cadre staff required the C/Cs to learn the Steam Cycle, an essential part of engineering classes here at the Academy. While the C/Cs struggled with this multi-part cycle, they continued to put their all into their work. After a brief but motivating meeting with their Company Officer, Senior Chief Jones, 5th Company went to the campus library, the ABS IC, or “American Bureau of Shipping Information Commons,” fondly called the “ABS” for short by Cadets, where they set up IT information as well as took their school ID photos. After pictures, encouraged by their Squad Leaders, 5th Company quickly changed into their PT gear to face 6th Company in a game of ultimate frisbee. 5th Company’s winning streak ended today with a brutal loss against 6th Company, but the Youngies remained positive as they returned to the dorms to shower and prepare for dinner Patio. The Cadet Candidates made their Cadre proud tonight by spouting the entirety of the Steam Cycle to the Regimental Cadet Officers on Patio. While praised by their Cadre, they were also reminded that this was only the beginning, and that this result would be expected from this point forward. After dinner, the Cadet Candidates attended both an Athletics meeting and a Training and Retention meeting. Cadre closely watched their behavior during these meetings, but all C/Cs remained well-behaved throughout the allotted time. 5th Company returned to the dorms for the nightly playing of Taps, often played by 7th Company using one or two trumpets, before retiring to bed after a long day in the sun.
Orientation Day 6 08/23
5th Company started their day with their regular PT rotation, this time with the field exercises. Their Cadre confidently and enthusiastically led them through these exercises, not once stopping in their loud encouragement. After finishing up at PT, 5th Company returned to the dorms to shower before breakfast. Today, the C/Cs were instructed to get into their bathing suits, as well as to make sure to bring shower shoes and a towel. As they would later find out, the 5th Company Cadet Candidates were to have a full day at the pool. There, the C/Cs would experience Water Survival, where the Youngies would learn how to flip a liferaft, floating techniques in life jackets, using a heat suit, and the basics of the immersion suit. The C/Cs enjoyed a packed lunch today and were spared their usual Patio Youngie Knowledge test at lunch. After finishing Water Survival, the C/Cs made their way behind the dorms to the basketball courts, where they would face off against 2nd Company in a fierce game of dodgeball. Winning with a close final score of 2-1, 5th Company returned to the dorms to shower. For the next hour and a half, their Cadre would allow the C/Cs to continue to learn their Youngie Knowledge. Every day, the C/Cs are expected to know new information from their Youngie Book, or “Chaffing Gear.” Today, the 5th Company C/Cs impressed both their Squad Leaders and Senior Staff by confidently spouting all 41 Parts of a Lifeboat to the Regimental Officers when asked at Patio. Not only this, but the C/Cs also confidently spouted the Steam Cycle and the types of emergencies on a ship. Earning a round of applause from the impressed Regimental Officers, 5th Company proudly walked out of Patio to enjoy a well-deserved dinner. After eating dinner, 5th Company would continue to study their knowledge while being watched over by their Senior Company Staff. 5th Company ended the day with a shipboard safety meeting before returning to the dorms, where they welcomed their nightly snacks and a full night of rest after a day well done.
Orientation Day 7 08/24
5th Company started its day with a motivating one-mile cadence run around campus. As usual, the sunrise over the train bridge captivated Cadre and Cadet Candidates alike, encouraging both teams to come together to shake the foundation of the Academy. While the residents of Academy Drive were roused from their beds at the usual crack of dawn during Orientation Week, the C/Cs spouted off their cadences in step with their Squad Leaders and Senior Staff. After an exhilarating run, the Cadre moved the C/Cs back to 5th Company for showers before breakfast. 5th Company spent its morning working on marching, ironing out their skills with both the column left and right movements before moving onto the “to the rear” movement. Once satisfied, their Cadre moved the C/Cs on to continue to work on their Youngie Knowledge. With this practice, 5th Company was able to once again receive high praise from the Regimental Officers during Patio. The C/Cs attended both a meeting on the Regimental Manual and the functioning of the SGA before going head-to-head with 4th Company in a game of water polo. However bravely fought, 5th Company came up short with a final score of 1-2. Discouraged, the 5th Company Cadre urged the C/Cs to refocus on their dinner Patio performance. As stated before, the C/Cs continued to prove themselves worthy of 5th Company by performing incredibly well. After dinner, 5th Company would attend three meetings, focusing on academic majors, the Honor Code, and community service. After a busy but rewarding day, 5th Company returned to the dorms for a full night of rest.
Orientation Day 8 08/25
5th Company’s morning started out unlike any other they’ve experienced so far during Orientation. Today, the C/Cs were woken up softly. For today, the upper Academy staff decided to give the Cadet Candidates time for reflection. While most utilized this time, others decided to put together their rooms for Regimental inspections. This included making their inspection racks, shining shoes, and preparing their inspection drawer and wall locker. This preparation continued after breakfast before the Cadre moved the C/Cs to the baseball field to practice marching. Today, the C/Cs continued to practice “to the rear,” as well as left and right flanks and the “right oblique” movement. While these movements are complicated to learn, and even more so when considering the heat and exhaustion, the C/Cs bravely conquered these movements with the guidance of their Cadre. 5th Company continued their success at Patio today at lunch, where they confidently spouted beyond the necessary knowledge for today. After lunch, 5th Company had a brief but motivating talk with their Company Officer, Senior Chief Jones, before continuing their marching practice. Intramurals would take place immediately after this, where 5th Company faced off against 1st Company in a game of dodgeball. While they unfortunately lost 1-2, they returned to the dorms in high spirits for the remainder of their day. Patio went well, but was subpar in comparison due to the increased difficulty of the questions asked. The Regimental staff noticed 5th Company’s excellent performance the past two days and decided to increase the difficulty of the questions. While their performance had not been up to their recent standard, 5th Company’s Cadre encouraged them to continue their studies and refocus on the task at hand. After dinner, 5th Company attended two meetings, one about conduct and the other about uniform expectations. Following this, the C/Cs received a demonstration of how to iron their uniforms from the 5th Company Squad Leaders. After ensuring that all uniforms were up to standard, the Cadet Candidates were sent to bed after a long day of outdoor activity.