Following these exercises, I asked Second Battalion Executive Officer, Finn Mcqueeney to explain the purpose behind everything they did today. Here’s what he had to say:
“Today during the battalion training block We were able to run an exercise I called “Escape From the Engine Room” a close copy of a leadership development game called “Blind Maze” the objective is to escape the maze with a catch, the rope was one big loop with no way out. You are lead and placed blindfolded randomly throughout the rope without ever seeing the Maze. The Challengers, Our cadet leadership teams in 2nd, 4th and 6th Company each company staff and their group of squad leaders worked together one company at a time. The rules are very simple first be blindfolded and second you are only allowed to ask the game moderators two questions “Am I at the exit” and “can I have some help”. Every minute the two questions they were allowed to ask the moderators were repeated. If the question ‘Am I at the exit’ was asked they were meet with a simple “No” by 3/C Davis the second battalion guidon who was an instrumental part of managing and setting up the leadership exercise. If the question ‘Can I have some help’ is asked they were very quietly told to stay silent and follow. Their blindfold was taken off and they were told to watch and stay silent they had ‘Escaped the Engine Room. The point of all of this was to remind my squad leaders that they need to accept when they need help.”