PT Field excercises
Fourth and Third had an electric game of ultimate frisbee
At 1500 CCs not signed up for a sport participated in intramurals. Performance at intramurals will play a part in deciding which company will win Admiral’s Cup. Below are the Results:
Sport | Participating Companies | Victor |
Water Polo | 5v6 | 5 |
Ultimate Frisbee | 4v3 | 4 |
Dodgeball | 2v7 | 2 |
2 and 7 set the done today in dodgeball with an action packed game ending in a tie-breaker round
Before dinner, the CCs went to their second patio. Despite only being a few hours later, there was a vast improvement from their first performance.
The 2024 class of Cadet Candidates and their families arrived on campus today. Some looked eager, many looked nervous. These CCs are about to embark on a ten day journey taking their first steps towards becoming active members of the regiment of cadets.
The Cadre wrapping up after PT. With Pre-Orientation nearing it’s end, you can feel the excitement for the arrival of the incoming Cadet Candidates building.
Following these exercises, I asked Second Battalion Executive Officer, Finn Mcqueeney to explain the purpose behind everything they did today. Here’s what he had to say:
“Today during the battalion training block We were able to run an exercise I called “Escape From the Engine Room” a close copy of a leadership development game called “Blind Maze” the objective is to escape the maze with a catch, the rope was one big loop with no way out. You are lead and placed blindfolded randomly throughout the rope without ever seeing the Maze. The Challengers, Our cadet leadership teams in 2nd, 4th and 6th Company each company staff and their group of squad leaders worked together one company at a time. The rules are very simple first be blindfolded and second you are only allowed to ask the game moderators two questions “Am I at the exit” and “can I have some help”. Every minute the two questions they were allowed to ask the moderators were repeated. If the question ‘Am I at the exit’ was asked they were meet with a simple “No” by 3/C Davis the second battalion guidon who was an instrumental part of managing and setting up the leadership exercise. If the question ‘Can I have some help’ is asked they were very quietly told to stay silent and follow. Their blindfold was taken off and they were told to watch and stay silent they had ‘Escaped the Engine Room. The point of all of this was to remind my squad leaders that they need to accept when they need help.”
This morning’s PT session was divided into several stations of exercises. At the sound of Regimental Intramural Officer 1/C Relle’s new train horn, Cadre would run to the next station.
Cadre took turns at each station practicing motivating each other hoping to find their voice and confidence for Orientation.
Cadre practicing their marching on the Parade field. It’s essential they are the best of the best in order to set the example for the incoming Cadet Candidates.
Following a meeting led by Regimental Operations Officer, 1/C Molloy, regarding conduct senior staff rushed their squad leaders out of Admiral’s Hall and began treating them as if they were Cadet Candidates. This exercise was a complete surprise to the squad leaders and was meant to make them more aware of the affect they have on the CCs. This act would continue for the rest of the day.
After quickly getting dressed into their Classroom Blacks, squad leaders were lined up along the waterfront and prepared for a mock patio. Patio is a staple of orientation in which Cadet Candidates are quizzed by the Regimental Stuff on their youngie knowledge.
For patio, the squad leaders of each company was marched before the top leaders of the regiment. Their every move was criticized as they did their best to recite the very knowledge their Cadet Candidates will be expected to memorize in orientation.
After a quick meal, the Cadre had the pleasure of attending a presentation on leadership given by Captain Russ Webster an expert in Crisis Leadership, Homeland Security, and Emergency Management. Throughout his career, Captain Webster worked in the Coast Guard, TSA, and FEMA. He even acted as Incident Commander for both the 1999 JFK, Jr., and Egypt Air 990 air crashes. Captain Webster’s provided the Cadre with his first hand experiences with servant leadership. Key points were the importance of communication, empathy, and understanding the skills of your team.
Reinvigorated the squad leaders took to the baseball and football fields to further refine their marching. Still receiving the Cadet Candidate treatment.
Over the week of Pre-Orientation, the Cadre’s skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork are put to the ultimate test. They are held to the highest of standards to ensure they are the most qualified people to lead the incoming class of Cadet Candidates. Squad leaders and regimental staff will be working relentlessly until they are certain they are up to the task of developing the newest members of the regiment into outstanding individuals.
Much like the Cadet Candidates will have to in orientation, the Cadre start the day right at 0530 for some good old-fashioned PT on the football field. They hope to set the standard high for the CCs and earn the right to work them just as hard. They brought their absolute A game this morning and set the tone for this upcoming week. After being tested by mile runs, sit-ups, and pushups, they earned a warm breakfast in the mess deck.
The squad leaders were then marched by their senior staff to Admiral’s Hall, where they met to discuss topics like safety, inclusion, and fairness. They aim to ensure everyone is in a safe and comfortable environment, while still being challenged.
After their meetings everyone circled up for some team building exercises. Cohesion amongst the squad leaders is essential for their success in these upcoming days.
Now dressed in their classroom blacks, the squad leaders practice their marching and prepare to be addressed by their regimental commander 1/C Acri-Burns.