All posts by alexander.marra

Orientation Day 7 08/24

Another early morning PT session
Sixth Company sailing at pond day
Fifth Company squad leaders posing with their platoon
Fourth Company hard at work learning their knowledge
Cadet Candidates remaining positive despite their injures
The Cadet Candidates of Fourth Company
Fourth Company Leadership
Seven vs Three
Fourth vs Fifth
First Company doing pushups before playing Six in Ultimate Frisbee
Sixth Company CCs looking out for each other
Academics meeting given by Regimental Academics Operations Officer 1/C Marvel. After an introduction given by Mr. Marvel, the Cadet Candidates separated into breakout groups by major
Marine Transportation and Engineering Cadet Candidates
Emergency Management
Marine Science, Safety, and Environmental Protection
Facilities Engineering
International Maritime Business
Energy Systems Engineering

Orientation Day 5 08/22

PT Field excercises

CCs of Second company at pool day
Sixth Company taking to the shade to study
First Company on the field practicing marching
Sixth Company ending Fifth’s winning streak
Third vs Fourth in an intense game of dodgeball
Today the Cadet Candidates wore their At Sea uniforms to patio and dinner for the first time
The studying never stops. These CCs are determined to learn their knowledge

Orientation Day 4 08/21

Regimental staff and Commander Deegan leading Cadet Candidates on a mile run this morning at PT
This morning’s PT field exercises consisted of flutter kicks, jump squats, side straddle hops, planks, crunches, and push-ups.
Seventh company going over marching in formation
Fourth Company sat down today taking turns sharing why they choose Mass Maritime. Company Commander 1/C Laing started things off.
First company trying on their uniforms in the gym
Today was sixth company’s turn at pool day. Pictured are CCs trying on thermal protection aids and doing man overboard drills
Second Company took to Great Herring Pond today to try sailing and rowing
First vs Fourth in kickball
Seventh vs Fifth in ultimate frisbee
Second vs Third in water polo
First and Second battalion Guidons 3/C Correia and 3/C Davis passing on their knowledge to the newly appointed C/C company Guidons
Fifth company standing patio with their new Guidon after a long day at the fire academy

Orientation Day 3 08/20

Today started with the Cadet Candidate’s first session of PT. After stretching and warming up, they were tested in a mile run, max pushups, and max situps.
Today was Fourth Company’s turn at water survival. Here CCs are pictured practicing flipping life rafts.
First Company went to the fire academy in Bridgewater
First Company returning to campus in their boiler suits
Fourth Company going over marching on the baseball field
Sixth and Second battled it out in kickball on the softball field. Sixth Company took home the win today.

Fourth and Third had an electric game of ultimate frisbee

First Company absolutely dominated Seventh in water polo despite their long day at the fire academy
Sixth Company working on their knowledge

Orientation Day 2 08/19

At 0530 this morning, the Cadet Candidates experienced their first orientation wake up. With no clue what time it was, they were rushed out of their rooms into formation outside. With a long day ahead of them, they marched to the football field where they would soon be formally introduced to their Cadre.
The CCs were formed up on the football field with their Cadre standing ominously in front of them. The gloomy weather certainly contributed to the atmosphere. Despite the rain, the Cadet candidates stood, unsure of why they were there until Regimental Commander 1/C Acri-Burns announced they were now going to meet their Cadre.
The field erupted with the powerful voices of the Cadre taking turns introducing themselves to their companies. The CCs were then marched back to the dorms to get dry before breakfast. After Breakfast each company broke off into their own schedules.
First Company went to the pool where they’d learn skills in water survival under the instruction of Mr. Vacha, a teacher here at the academy in the Marine Transportation department. Participation in this activity is mandatory for any Cadet Candidates hoping to go on Sea Term.
Learning how to stand out in the ocean
Practicing getting into inflatable life rafts
CCs trying on their many uniforms in the gym. They were given the chance to decompress and get to know each other.
Before each meal besides breakfast, each company participates in “Patio” before going to the mess deck. They are marched before their regimental staff and quizzed on their knowledge. Pictured is Sixth company preparing for their turn.
Second Company earning their lunch
First Battalion (except First Co who was still at the pool) getting a presentation on the Academy’s customs and traditions.

At 1500 CCs not signed up for a sport participated in intramurals. Performance at intramurals will play a part in deciding which company will win Admiral’s Cup. Below are the Results:

SportParticipating CompaniesVictor
Water Polo5v65
Ultimate Frisbee4v34
Fourth Company running off the baseball field after dominating in ultimate frisbee

2 and 7 set the done today in dodgeball with an action packed game ending in a tie-breaker round

Before dinner, the CCs went to their second patio. Despite only being a few hours later, there was a vast improvement from their first performance.

Orientation Day 1 08/18

The 2024 class of Cadet Candidates and their families arrived on campus today. Some looked eager, many looked nervous. These CCs are about to embark on a ten day journey taking their first steps towards becoming active members of the regiment of cadets.

As the Cadet Candidates stood in line to check in, the Cadre ran around campus singing cadences
The Cadre taking their oath to take on the task of developing their new class of CCs
After the oath, the CCs were funneled out of the bleachers into platoons. Now separated from their loved ones, they quickly found out how things operated here.
While waiting to enter the mess deck, the Cadet Candidates studied and were quizzed on the names of this years regimental staff
President Rear Admiral McDonald giving a CC his sea bag
CCs receiving their classroom black uniforms while getting to know their new shipmates
There were more than a few last minute haircuts today
A fire and safety meeting given by Regimental TRO 1/C Stephens, Battalion TRO 1/C McFarlane, and Cadet Chief Mate 1/C Crotty

Pre-Orientation Day 5 08/16

Today marks the last day of Pre-Orientation, and the Cadre are amped for the arrival of their Cadet Candidates. For PT this morning the entirety of the cadre took to the canal for a three mile run. They sang cadences the whole way.
After their run, Cadre down the beach company by company into the cold water
The cadre formed up behind the bleachers to practice for Sunday’s ceremony
The cadre practicing their oath
The 2024 regimental wedge

Pre-Orientation Day 4 08/15

The Cadre wrapping up after PT. With Pre-Orientation nearing it’s end, you can feel the excitement for the arrival of the incoming Cadet Candidates building.

At lunch, the Cadre had the pleasure of being joined by president of the academy, Rear Admiral McDonald and the Deputy Commandant Commander Deegan
Unfortunately, our time on the field got cut short due to thunder.
First Company’s prize for completing the course the fastest.

Pre-Orientation Day 3 08/14

Nothing beats a sunrise on the Cape Cod Canal
Regimental Executive Officer 1/C Quintin Pease being trailed by First Battalion staff
Fourth Company loves running
The Cadre wrapping up after PT
After breakfast, Senior Staff marched their Cadre to admirals hall for a meeting with Captain McCarey and Commander Deegan. They took time to reflect on why they all choose to be leaders here at the academy.
Second Company getting corrected by their Executive Officer 1/C Mathew White. He wants more energy!
Fourth Company refining their marching on the softball field
Second Company’s turn on the field
Second Battalion staff exchanging constructive criticism with their team of squad leaders
Second Battalion engaging in team building exercises
Working on communication
Second Battalion learning to rely on each other

Following these exercises, I asked Second Battalion Executive Officer, Finn Mcqueeney to explain the purpose behind everything they did today. Here’s what he had to say:

Pre-Orientation Day 2 08/13

This morning’s PT session was divided into several stations of exercises. At the sound of Regimental Intramural Officer 1/C Relle’s new train horn, Cadre would run to the next station.

Cadre took turns at each station practicing motivating each other hoping to find their voice and confidence for Orientation.

Cadre practicing their marching on the Parade field. It’s essential they are the best of the best in order to set the example for the incoming Cadet Candidates.

Following a meeting led by Regimental Operations Officer, 1/C Molloy, regarding conduct senior staff rushed their squad leaders out of Admiral’s Hall and began treating them as if they were Cadet Candidates. This exercise was a complete surprise to the squad leaders and was meant to make them more aware of the affect they have on the CCs. This act would continue for the rest of the day.

After quickly getting dressed into their Classroom Blacks, squad leaders were lined up along the waterfront and prepared for a mock patio. Patio is a staple of orientation in which Cadet Candidates are quizzed by the Regimental Stuff on their youngie knowledge.

For patio, the squad leaders of each company was marched before the top leaders of the regiment. Their every move was criticized as they did their best to recite the very knowledge their Cadet Candidates will be expected to memorize in orientation.

After a quick meal, the Cadre had the pleasure of attending a presentation on leadership given by Captain Russ Webster an expert in Crisis Leadership, Homeland Security, and Emergency Management. Throughout his career, Captain Webster worked in the Coast Guard, TSA, and FEMA. He even acted as Incident Commander for both the 1999 JFK, Jr., and Egypt Air 990 air crashes. Captain Webster’s provided the Cadre with his first hand experiences with servant leadership. Key points were the importance of communication, empathy, and understanding the skills of your team.

Reinvigorated the squad leaders took to the baseball and football fields to further refine their marching. Still receiving the Cadet Candidate treatment.

Pre-Orientation Day 1 08/12

Over the week of Pre-Orientation, the Cadre’s skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork are put to the ultimate test. They are held to the highest of standards to ensure they are the most qualified people to lead the incoming class of Cadet Candidates. Squad leaders and regimental staff will be working relentlessly until they are certain they are up to the task of developing the newest members of the regiment into outstanding individuals.

Much like the Cadet Candidates will have to in orientation, the Cadre start the day right at 0530 for some good old-fashioned PT on the football field. They hope to set the standard high for the CCs and earn the right to work them just as hard. They brought their absolute A game this morning and set the tone for this upcoming week. After being tested by mile runs, sit-ups, and pushups, they earned a warm breakfast in the mess deck.

Second Battalion starting their run
3rd Company working their cores!

The squad leaders were then marched by their senior staff to Admiral’s Hall, where they met to discuss topics like safety, inclusion, and fairness. They aim to ensure everyone is in a safe and comfortable environment, while still being challenged.

After their meetings everyone circled up for some team building exercises. Cohesion amongst the squad leaders is essential for their success in these upcoming days.

Now dressed in their classroom blacks, the squad leaders practice their marching and prepare to be addressed by their regimental commander 1/C Acri-Burns.

First Company Staff correcting the behavior of their squad leaders during a meeting.